<%@ Page language="C#" masterpagefile="site.master" title="Contact" %>

<asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderID="Head" Runat="Server">

<asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderID="Content" Runat="Server">
	<p>John Q Public<br />
	123 Main Street<br />
	City, ST 00000</p>
	<p>(000) 000-0000 home<br />
	(000) 000-0000 cell</p>
	<form action="" method="post">
		<legend>Contact Us</legend>
		<p><label for="yourname">Your Name: (required)</label><br />
		<input id="yourname" class="cf" accesskey="f" maxlength="60" name="yourname" size="40" tabindex="1" title="Text input: Type Your Name" type="text" /></p>
		<p><label for="emailaddress">Email Address: (required)</label><br />
		<input id="emailaddress" class="cf" maxlength="60" name="emailaddress" size="40" tabindex="2" title="Text input: Type Your Email Address" type="text" /></p>
		<p><label for="emailaddressconfirmation">Confirm Email Address: (required)</label><br />
		<input id="emailaddressconfirmation" class="cf" maxlength="60" name="emailaddressconfirmation" size="40" tabindex="3" title="Text input: Confirm Your Email Address" type="text" /></p>
		<p><label for="message">Your Message:</label><br />
		<textarea id="message" class="cf" cols="35" name="message" rows="5" tabindex="7" title="Text input: Type Your Message"></textarea></p>
		<p><label for="catchall">To help block spam, please tell me ... <br />
		HOT is for summer. What is for winter?</label><br />
		<input id="catchall" class="cf" name="winter" size="20" title="Text input: Type cold" type="text" tabindex="8" /></p>
		<p><label for="administration">Administrative use only.<br />
		Please leave blank.</label><br />
		<input id="administration" class="cf" name="email" size="20" maxlength="100" title="Text input: Leave blank" type="text" /></p>
		<br />
		<p><input tabindex="6" type="submit" value="Send the Message" class="button" /></p>
	<h2>Important Information: </h2>
	<p>This is a sample contact form and is <strong>NOT</strong> active.  Details for working with forms can be found on <a title="Working With Forms." href="">Working With Forms</a>.</p>